But now the land is being divided into individual and group ownership plots. 但如今正把土地一块块分给个人和集体。
Common property can be divided into several types, on which exists ownership and the owner is administrative organ. 公产,应被区分为若干类型,其上存在着所有权,其主体为行政机关。
The fundraising is divided into the owner's equity fundraising and creditor's right fundraising by its ownership. 企业所筹资金按其所有权分为权益性筹资和债权性筹资。
Academics, however, are divided on the benefits of shared Capitalism ( employee share ownership and profit sharing), particularly for employees. 不过学术界对于“共享资本主义”(员工持股和分享利润)的好处,尤其是对员工的好处,却存在截然不同的看法。
The divided ownership has different effects on circulation shareholders and non-circulation shareholders. 股权分置对流通股东与非流通股东影响不同。
This article declares the basic type of ownership can be divided into two kinds including private ownership and public ownership. 本文认为,所有权的基本类型可以分为两种:一是私人所有权,包括公民所有权和法人所有权,二是公共所有权,包括国家所有权和集体所有权。
The chief part of this thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter introduces the relations between the policies of land ownership and the related legislations; 本文主体部分分为三个章节:第一章论述中日韩三国农地权属政策与立法的关系;
Firstly, it was concluded the motivation for M& A, divided the passive motivation for investigation into several origin indicators such as ownership structure and concentration characteristics of ownership and so on. 第一,归纳了并购的动因,将消极动因分解为股东结构、股权集中度等几个成因指标加以考察;
In the modern corporation, the ownership of property is divided into the ownership of stock and the ownership corporate property. 在现代公司,股东的原始财产所有权发生了裂变,分为了股票所有权与公司法人所有权,公司法人对财产的所有权又与经营权相分离。
Various problems found in the realty management are just outcomes of the divided ownership of buildings. 物业管理反映出的各种问题是由建筑物区分所有权派生出来的。
The ownership of the asset is divided into legal ownership and economic ownership, which creates good effect. 租赁物的所有权有分化的趋势,法律所有权与经济所有权并存并分别发挥了作用;
The constitution and relevant laws of our country provide that land ownership is divided into two categories, namely the state ownership and collective ownership. 我国宪法和法律规定,土地的所有制有两种形式,即国家所有和集体所有。
Space right divided into ownership of space and usufruct of space. 通过将空间权分为空间所有权和空间利用权,对空间权权利的内容更好地进行了界定。
The setting of the ancient legal system of land ownership is divided into state-owned land and private land. The government impose strict high-handed policy in the transfer of land ownership. 古代法律制度对土地所有权的设置主要分为官田和民田两种,对土地所有权的流转则实行严厉的高压政策。
According to their main classification, forest ownership can be divided into: national forest ownership, collective forest ownership and private forest ownership. 按照其主体分类,可以把林权分为:国家林权、集体林权和个人林权。
The following are the main research content of this article: Systematically introduce the corresponding theory of the logistics distribution region partition, focusing on applications for clustering algorithm divided the ownership of intensive distribution points. 以下是本文主要的研究内容:(1)系统介绍了物流配送区域划分的相应理论,重点阐述了应用聚类算法进行密集配送点的归属划分。
Corporate governance mechanisms are divided into interior and exterior mechanisms, interior mechanisms are including ownership structure, board of director, senior managers 'compensation and ownership, exterior mechanisms are including CPA audit and the governance effect of debt. 公司治理机制分为内部治理机制和外部治理机制,内部治理机制包括股权结构、董事会、高管薪酬与所有权,外部治理机制包括注册会计师审计和债务治理。
Therefore, the dual segmentation of labor market has emerged. The first segmentation is divided by the mechanism of human capital, and the second segmentation is determined by the household registration system and ownership regime. 于是,就形成了劳动力市场的双重分割,即第一重分割由人力资本机制决定,第二种分割由户籍制度和所有制制度决定。
According to the standard, the rural land disputes can be divided into four types: land contracting business disputes, the land expropriation disputes, land circulation disputes and land ownership dispute. 根据该标准,农村土地纠纷可以划分为四种类型:土地承包经营纠纷、土地征收纠纷、土地流转纠纷和土地权属纠纷。
The formation of teacher responsibilities scale of psychological contract is divided into four dimensions: job responsibilities, extra-curricular responsibilities, ownership responsibility, social responsibility. 编制好的心理契约教师责任量表分为四个维度:岗位责任、课外责任、归属责任、社会责任。
Ownership structure can be divided into two meanings: Firstly, stock concentration; secondly, the composition of different ownership, such as the State shareholders, corporate shareholders and the public shareholders and other stake. 股权结构可以分成两层含义:一是股权集中度;二是不同所有制股权的构成,即国家股股东、法人股股东及社会公众股股东等的持股比例。
Taking the foundation of the land income allocation proportion, we has analysed the divided condition of the land ownership. 以土地收益分配比例为基础,分析了土地产权的分割状况。
The structure of ownership was divided into three levels which were ownership attribute, ownership distribution and market environment. 将股权结构分为三个层次&股权属性、股权分布状况和市场环境。